This is a temporary home for the Stuff Asian People Like Website! I can't express how thankful I am that I was able to recover all the posts.
Copywrite 2008 Stuff Asian People Like. Do not use or disseminate our views or posts in any way, shape, or form without giving proper credit. Any images found are sole intellectual property of their respective owners. If you would like an image removed, please email us at asianslike [at] gmail [dot] com
Stuff Asian People Like: Written By Asians, About Asians.
Have Any Suggestions? Please remember to comment and spread the word!
This Just In!
We are going public, so if you would like to become a subscriber, simply email asianslike[at]gmail[dot]com. Thanks for all of your support.
In other news, the new Survey #2 is up! Fill one out for fun!